Sunday, January 23, 2005

Phantom of the Ophra

wat a fantastic show.. something like Evita.. no subtitles, so throughout the entire show, i was trying to make out wat the actors are actually singing about.. most of the time i can only catch the last few words of a sentence.. so it's like:

"..... I ..... me ..... love you..... "

"..... you ... how .... now .... to me ...."

zzz... so i wasnt able to understand much from the show.. but Crissy seems to be the girl that everyone loves.. hmmm..

during the show, i was thinking, "hmmm, how come they can use the same tune over and over again, and yet able to say wat they want, by jus using different words?" kinda like freestyle rapping huh? so the moment we step out of the cinema, i was using it on Jill, using some stupid tune and singing out.. but wat i like is only 1 song, "All i ask of you". to those pp; who has watch the show, dun u reckon it's the nicest of all?

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