Friday, February 22, 2008


a chat with a great friend makes all the difference in life.

i've realised that i've been so engross in WoW that i've missed out so many things in life. for the past 1yr plus, my life was the virtual life i had in the game. i've neglected so many things.. friends, family, and close ones.. i finally made the tough decision and cancelled my subscription for wow.

i've recently took up a new sport, RUNNING! i've always been weak at running, partly cos of my flat feet condition, and i'm always short of breathe.. so, first thing in v2.8 is to overcome this. i'm currently training for a marathorn come april with some frens. i wanna have the sense of achievement and satisfaction to cross the line together with them.. i bet by doing this, it'll bond us closer in a certain way.

my plan is to clock at least 20km each week for the first 4 weeks to re-condition myself. after that will train for timing, and distance, and timing, and distance, so on so on...


Anonymous said...

what happened to your blog skin...?
Till now I still dont know how to do the icon leh...
The icon which you linked to other people's blog... =(

Anais said...

Yan, i am believing with You!

UplayOnline said...

what happened to your blog skin...?

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