Jill bought her first denim jacket off ebay today. it was outbidded by me, cos this morning, i used her com and log in my ebay acc to view my bidding on the Motorala e1000.. without signing out, she enter her highest bid on the jacket, $70. during the break in school, she eagerly went to the lab to check out if her bidding won. but it was out bidded by someone else, ME. zzz..
so anyway, the invoice of the item won came to my e-mail. and i suggest if we could arrange a meet up with the seller, since her address shows she stays in Canning Vale, which is not too far from our place. so she e-mailed the seller and ask if she's willing to meet up instead. moments later, my hp rang and it was the seller. i pass the phone to jill and they arrange up a place, the SELLER place. she ask if the address stated in ebay was the place she was staying, and she replied yes.
so we drove to a unfamilar place, with jill getting all excited about her hollister jacket... we lost our way and wanted to call the seller. it came out that the hp noumber she gave was 9 digits instead to 10. my bad, i copied it wrongly.. but anyway, we managed to find the place eventually, cos the road sign was blocked by a tree, blardy sign is so fucking small.. CB aussies..
upon reaching, we knock on the door several times before coming to a conclusion that nobody's at home.. because i din't bring my hp along, we couldnt get the seller's house number, plus the number that i wrote down was short of a digit.. damn! suddenly, my phone rang, but i remembered leaving my phone at home! so i followed the ringtone and found my phone in jill's bag! Fool of a Took! she took my phone without even realising it! it was a call from the seller, asking if we were coming or not.
Me: "we're actually outside ur house!"
Seller: "oh izzit?! i'm coming out then!"
a few seconds later, seeing nobody at the door... i called the seller on her house phone.
Me: "hello?...."
Seller: "are u sure u are at the right place??"
Me: "Yeah, 6 Diosmas Way rite?"
Seller: "OOOHHH!!! that's my new address! i'm actually staying off Murdoch! Gratwick Terrance!"
Me: "WHAT?! no wonder we knocked and no one answered!" (in heart: KANNINABAYCHAOCHEEBYE! WASTE MY FUCKING TIME!)
Seller: "oh, sorry sorry..."
Me: "never mind, we'll be there in about 20 mins.." (FUCKER-LAN-JIAO-NEH-NEH-PUSS-PUSS!)
about 20 mins later we reached Gratwick Terrance. i remembered her house number was 36, but it turns out to 32 instead, luckily she ran over to our car, else i would've stangled someone if i got the wrong place again.. so in the end jill happily got her hollister abercrombie denim jacket, and me, wasted some petrol, which FYI, i jus pump it full tank this afternoon.. haiz..
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Monday, May 30, 2005
i just came out with my course's units plans yesterday morning, and realised that i might not be able to come home this Nov.. Why? cos i need to attend a summer course in order to complete my degree in 2 and a half years. else it would be 3 years, leaving the last sem doing only 1 unit, which is totally bo hua..
exams are jus 2 weeks away, and i havent done a single revision. the past week have been wasted, done nothing but watch Sex and the City, and some nonsense blog skin. i've got 2 weeks to squeeze in 2 textbooks. i seriously need to concentrate. no more play, no more fun.
exams are jus 2 weeks away, and i havent done a single revision. the past week have been wasted, done nothing but watch Sex and the City, and some nonsense blog skin. i've got 2 weeks to squeeze in 2 textbooks. i seriously need to concentrate. no more play, no more fun.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Rock Climbing
it's been sometime since i last climbed.. think it was wif clarence during my OCS days.. hit the wall once again, the first time since we came to aussie.. it was a first experience for jill as well.. very proud of her achievment and her determination to reach the top.. though i get a hell of a scolding after she came down, for "forcing" her and shouting at her and "think that's it very easy".. anyway, all's for good fun, i feel great for her..
i cant help it but feel frustrated and unhappy that i'm heavier than someone whom i tot shld be heavier than me.. even kanna suan.. knnbccb.. others kept saying it's the muscle la.. i tried telling myself that, but somehow i couldnt really convince myself.. he's now my target, my enemy in weight lost, someone that i'm determine to defeat, and i WILL.. so that one day he'll shut his trap and admire my sexy lean body... nabey...
i cant help it but feel frustrated and unhappy that i'm heavier than someone whom i tot shld be heavier than me.. even kanna suan.. knnbccb.. others kept saying it's the muscle la.. i tried telling myself that, but somehow i couldnt really convince myself.. he's now my target, my enemy in weight lost, someone that i'm determine to defeat, and i WILL.. so that one day he'll shut his trap and admire my sexy lean body... nabey...
Friday, May 27, 2005

Everyone remember who's jamie? that stupid bitch who wanted cybersex? i duuno if this is her but there's this resemblence.. some more same colour top and pattern.. her real name is elena. only 18, stays in jalan bukit merah.. and here are her blogs.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Roulette Tips
This is a short list of simple to remember, and easy to follow roulette tips. The fact is, there are no roulette tips that will make you a bundle, but there are some that may keep you from losing one.
Tip 1 - Never follow anybody's system. Even reputable names in the online gambling industry recommend you spread your bets around with a 'system' that makes no sense. Umm, ok let me just place the black and third column, so that if I win on one I will most likely lose the other. I'm sure they've convinced a million people to play though, because look at how few numbers could cause you to lose completely! That was sarcasm, subtle, but sarcasm. Spurious logic spouters, never listen to them.
Tip 2 - Look hard for a single zero roulette wheel. This will cut the house edge much more than any other option in the game of roulette.
Tip 3 - No matter how appealing a new and sexy bet might feel, never bet the five number bet, it has the worst odds on the table.
Tip 4 - Search for casinos that offer the surrender rule. This will cut the house edge almost as much as a single zero roulette wheel will, but only on even-money outside bets.
Tip 5 - No really, no systems.
Tip 6 - Don't spend your time looking for a biased roulette wheel. Although this may have been a valid methodology a couple of decades ago, any casino worth it's chandeliers checks it's own roulette wheels for biases.
Tip 1 - Never follow anybody's system. Even reputable names in the online gambling industry recommend you spread your bets around with a 'system' that makes no sense. Umm, ok let me just place the black and third column, so that if I win on one I will most likely lose the other. I'm sure they've convinced a million people to play though, because look at how few numbers could cause you to lose completely! That was sarcasm, subtle, but sarcasm. Spurious logic spouters, never listen to them.
Tip 2 - Look hard for a single zero roulette wheel. This will cut the house edge much more than any other option in the game of roulette.
Tip 3 - No matter how appealing a new and sexy bet might feel, never bet the five number bet, it has the worst odds on the table.
Tip 4 - Search for casinos that offer the surrender rule. This will cut the house edge almost as much as a single zero roulette wheel will, but only on even-money outside bets.
Tip 5 - No really, no systems.
Tip 6 - Don't spend your time looking for a biased roulette wheel. Although this may have been a valid methodology a couple of decades ago, any casino worth it's chandeliers checks it's own roulette wheels for biases.
Is gambling addictive?
jus came back from burstwood.. it's the 2nd time we went in this week. i've been wanting to go for a long time, cos only went once this sem.. last on monday, colin suggested on going, and we came back with app. $200 winnings each. $100 i gave to jill for her to go shopping.. today? not so lucky. lost $140, but not too bad, cos the other day won. while playing on the roulette, i saw ppl change at one go, $500 - $1000 worth of chips. shoik sia! then i tot in my mind, what would it be like when i started working and have the capital to bet like them? then i wouldnt worry losing the only $100 i have. but again, gambling is a highly addictive game. everytime u lose, it makes u wanna bet more and win back, but when u start to win, u simply cant stop, and wanna win more.. i guess that's human nature, not knowing when to stop.. if only i stop when i was winning and go play something else, maybe i wouldnt lose tonight. anyway, an advice to my love-to-gamble friends, leave to table when u r winning and proceed to another game, i cant tell u why, but i feel this way, u wouldnt be as greedy as usual...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
New skin, new techniques learnt
you prob find that the current skin that i'm using is similar to a webpage, rather than a blogskin.. well, i find the starwars one kinda boring and dull, so i went and search on how to create a webpage, unsing photoshop, and TADA! after some modifications, here's the results.. i spent the whole of last night doing this, knowing that i could have been reading up a chapter of e-commerce or MDP.. the weekend has past and i've yet done anything productive.. 2 more weeks to exams, and no sense of urgency or stress to hit the books.. well, i guess this'll be my last piece of work untill the exams.. but i'll be staying back in perth for the june holidays, so anyone have any request on blogskin or whatsoever, do tell me after the 23th of june!
Sunday, May 22, 2005
My New Star Wars Blogskin
yep, yet another creation.. i noe i shld be at least doing some revision, but these addictions just cant stop! i notice many bloggers are using the click-and-view-on-the-same-screen-type of blogskin. not that i dislike that, but i feel it's troublesome to click click here and there jus to see the entire blog.. hmm.. but maybe i'll jus do 1 jus for kicks..
Creating Sigs
i seriously have a problem.. everytime i see a pic, i always wanna turn it into a sig.. sig are useless, can't use it anywhere except on forums.. what's the point of creating 15 sigs, Brandon? well, i like the way it is sized, and are able to make the picture stand out. hmm, it's something that i cant explain myself.. well, here they are...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Rainy Day
it's a rainy day, it's a rainy day..
the kids of 28 Crossland Way...
can't come out and play..
why does it have to be this way?
why can't we be happy and gay?
all jill's doing now is shopping on ebay..
now's only May,
and winter's on it's way..
wat we need now is the Sun's ray,
"tomorrow will be a better day!", some might say..
it's a rainy day, it's a rainy day..
the kids of 28 Crossland Way...
can't come out and play..
why does it have to be this way?
why can't we be happy and gay?
all jill's doing now is shopping on ebay..
now's only May,
and winter's on it's way..
wat we need now is the Sun's ray,
"tomorrow will be a better day!", some might say..
it's a rainy day, it's a rainy day..
Monday, May 16, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
i jus realise something today.. i tot the econs test on this sat is jus gonna be 7 chapters from the textbook, but it's 7 topics, meaning, 7 lecture's materials!! which is 10 blardy chapters from the text book.. my studying schedule has been ruined.. arrgh...
Don't u just hate it when the bigger portion of shit decided to detatch itself, leaving a small lil piece stuck in the arse.. and no matter how much u squeeze it, the small one just doesnt drop! then u had to wiped it cos by the time, u're already sweating, so u say to urself, "ah, wat the fuck..." and u rolled the toilet paper in ur hands, and realised that u just smeared the remaining lil piece all over ur arse hole, and u have to keep wiping till it's completely clean, while trying not to feel faint at the same time by the smell of ur fresh baked cake...
just something that i was thinking about when i shat jus now..
Don't u just hate it when the bigger portion of shit decided to detatch itself, leaving a small lil piece stuck in the arse.. and no matter how much u squeeze it, the small one just doesnt drop! then u had to wiped it cos by the time, u're already sweating, so u say to urself, "ah, wat the fuck..." and u rolled the toilet paper in ur hands, and realised that u just smeared the remaining lil piece all over ur arse hole, and u have to keep wiping till it's completely clean, while trying not to feel faint at the same time by the smell of ur fresh baked cake...
just something that i was thinking about when i shat jus now..
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Friendship.. Vunerable or not??
and there i was on, last frday, talking abt re-building the friendship with those that i've once share many bonds wif... and now, my good friend and his 10 yr friend are breaking that bond jus becos of a stupid "anonymous" comment..
good job Mr./Mrs. Anonymous.. looks like u've succeed in stirring shit between 2 friends..
i find myself someone who treasure my friends. they're the people that moulded me into what i'm now.. i dun purposely go find ppl and make friends, not that i'm 'dao' or choosy abt who can be my friends, but i believed that true friends will always comes naturally.. there's no need to be like, "hey, can i be ur friend?" or "i think this person is fit to be my friend." click means click, dun click means dun click.. no point dun click, but still act click.. i'm not a good actor.. well, unless i'm drunk, and act as if everyone is my best mate... that dun say la...
actually i find both of them silly and childish.. wanna quarrel also cannot quarrel properly.. use blog ah, sms ah, spread rumors ah.. what happened to the old school, "knnbccb, y u say me like tat?!" the shouting and yelling? use wat chiem chiem ang moh and fight like so civilise? leh chey la..
that's the problem wif people wif high education.. there's a way to quarrel, then why keep hiding? face each other and yell ur arse out, not happy? one-to-one.. this way, all ur anger and frustrations will be vent at the same time.. then after that can jus dun "friend" each other.. haha..
anyway, this is my 2 cents worth of crap.. buay song? come one-to-one.. dun use some chiem ang moh and scold me.. pointless, i also dun understand.. haha... this is my blog, so my rules applies...
good job Mr./Mrs. Anonymous.. looks like u've succeed in stirring shit between 2 friends..
i find myself someone who treasure my friends. they're the people that moulded me into what i'm now.. i dun purposely go find ppl and make friends, not that i'm 'dao' or choosy abt who can be my friends, but i believed that true friends will always comes naturally.. there's no need to be like, "hey, can i be ur friend?" or "i think this person is fit to be my friend." click means click, dun click means dun click.. no point dun click, but still act click.. i'm not a good actor.. well, unless i'm drunk, and act as if everyone is my best mate... that dun say la...
actually i find both of them silly and childish.. wanna quarrel also cannot quarrel properly.. use blog ah, sms ah, spread rumors ah.. what happened to the old school, "knnbccb, y u say me like tat?!" the shouting and yelling? use wat chiem chiem ang moh and fight like so civilise? leh chey la..
that's the problem wif people wif high education.. there's a way to quarrel, then why keep hiding? face each other and yell ur arse out, not happy? one-to-one.. this way, all ur anger and frustrations will be vent at the same time.. then after that can jus dun "friend" each other.. haha..
anyway, this is my 2 cents worth of crap.. buay song? come one-to-one.. dun use some chiem ang moh and scold me.. pointless, i also dun understand.. haha... this is my blog, so my rules applies...
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Blog Funnies
This is some crappy funny stuff on my friend's blog.. Verbal fighting I should say.. Makes me feel my English sucks even more.. but i find it funny and interesting..
Read this first, Trouble Maker, to know the story..
Then this, Suanning Session, and find out the stuff others wrote..
I like the word "Elegant trash", laughed my balls off sia.. Hope ya have a good laugh..
Read this first, Trouble Maker, to know the story..
Then this, Suanning Session, and find out the stuff others wrote..
I like the word "Elegant trash", laughed my balls off sia.. Hope ya have a good laugh..
Road Trip to Wave Rock
I’m so proud of my lil' Suzuki Baleno, who did not fail me during the 6 hours of driving yesterday... but it did prove to me 1 thing... my car is not a fuel economy car... it drinks petrol like water..
Anyway, we decided to go on a road trip to Hyden, the place where "Wave Rock" is suppose to be... it's about 350km away from Perth, and it'll take 3-4 hours of driving to reach there.. I experienced driving 110km/h on the country roads, turning bends at 90km/h, driving in total darkness and it's the longest drive I’ve ever had! To and fro, total about 6-7 hours of driving! But the treat at the end of the day was rewarding enough, Hog's Breath! Awesome!
I shall not mention what happened to Jill, or else my neck will be falling...
We had to past by 3 towns to reach Hyden... Brookten, Corigini (I think...) and Kondini... they are really "town" towns... from what Colin said, Kondini hold a population of 400 people, almost equivalent to 1 HDB block. How small is that? I bet the other 2 towns aint any better... but things sold there are fucking EXPENSIVE! They’re out to "ketoh" travelers...
Long hours of driving is really taxing not only to the body, but also the mind as well... i was kinda dozing off on the way back, swerving right to the opposite lane.. Luckily Felix noticed it and stop for a break... *phew* well, the entire trip was fairly ok... for me; it was the exploring of new stuff and the enriching experience we had...
Anyway, we decided to go on a road trip to Hyden, the place where "Wave Rock" is suppose to be... it's about 350km away from Perth, and it'll take 3-4 hours of driving to reach there.. I experienced driving 110km/h on the country roads, turning bends at 90km/h, driving in total darkness and it's the longest drive I’ve ever had! To and fro, total about 6-7 hours of driving! But the treat at the end of the day was rewarding enough, Hog's Breath! Awesome!
I shall not mention what happened to Jill, or else my neck will be falling...
We had to past by 3 towns to reach Hyden... Brookten, Corigini (I think...) and Kondini... they are really "town" towns... from what Colin said, Kondini hold a population of 400 people, almost equivalent to 1 HDB block. How small is that? I bet the other 2 towns aint any better... but things sold there are fucking EXPENSIVE! They’re out to "ketoh" travelers...
Long hours of driving is really taxing not only to the body, but also the mind as well... i was kinda dozing off on the way back, swerving right to the opposite lane.. Luckily Felix noticed it and stop for a break... *phew* well, the entire trip was fairly ok... for me; it was the exploring of new stuff and the enriching experience we had...
Friday, May 06, 2005
i went through my friendster today and many tots came to my mind.. my once close friends have each led a life of their own, so have I. it kinda led me to think back, "What happened if I've place more effort in the close bonds which i once had? Would life been different? Will these people change my life and personalities?" Well, it's too late for regrets now, too late to say, " I wish i had spend more time wif them. I wish i had another chance to re-build this relationship.." friends like,
1) Timothy - my notorious buddy during secondary sch days.. we've fun playing pranks on others and constantly getting into trouble.. and developed my irritating personalities
2) Deeno and Mark - the people who converted my beng-ness into grunge-ness.. the ones that taught me smoking sampona and gudang garum, alternative and rock music..
3) Rodrick - the person, who's whiny, but gave me my adventurous self, constantly seeking for new adventures and exceeding my own limits.
these people are the people who more or less shape who i am now. i'm thankful for that and i'm going to meet up wif them when i return end of this year.. i dun wan to live my life regreting not maintaining a bond wif them.
1) Timothy - my notorious buddy during secondary sch days.. we've fun playing pranks on others and constantly getting into trouble.. and developed my irritating personalities
2) Deeno and Mark - the people who converted my beng-ness into grunge-ness.. the ones that taught me smoking sampona and gudang garum, alternative and rock music..
3) Rodrick - the person, who's whiny, but gave me my adventurous self, constantly seeking for new adventures and exceeding my own limits.
these people are the people who more or less shape who i am now. i'm thankful for that and i'm going to meet up wif them when i return end of this year.. i dun wan to live my life regreting not maintaining a bond wif them.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
should i return or not?
exam time table are out.. once again, 2 papers in a row, one on the 13th, the other on the 14th.. it's like a repeat of history.. it happened to us last sem too.. why must it be like tat?? the paper's already tough enough.. somemore put MDP and E-Commerce together.. leaving Econs to the last on the 23th..
the thing now is, should i go back or not? it's only for the short 3-4 weeks.. i tot i wun miss home, but then again, i kinda miss it after watching the Discovery channel thingy a IX's place the other day.. haiz.. dad says it's up to me.. i can either work here, or jus go back and lobo.. which means spending more money.. here at least my supply of cash is there, back home, i dun even have a single dollar.. ok, maybe left 100+ from my angbaos which remains after buying the iPod for jill.. go back also no money to spend.. might as well stay here and go burstwood once in a while.. but i'll be all alone.. prob will have Mr. Browne to accompany me.. see what IX says... *hint hint* unless he rather send him to the pet hotel..
well, i somehow have to come to a decision soon, cos will have to book ticket in advance.. i miss my room...
btw, today's my bro, Ah Di b'dae.. everyone wish him a Happy 23rd Birthday! too bad i cant be ard to celebrate.. ZZzzzz...
the thing now is, should i go back or not? it's only for the short 3-4 weeks.. i tot i wun miss home, but then again, i kinda miss it after watching the Discovery channel thingy a IX's place the other day.. haiz.. dad says it's up to me.. i can either work here, or jus go back and lobo.. which means spending more money.. here at least my supply of cash is there, back home, i dun even have a single dollar.. ok, maybe left 100+ from my angbaos which remains after buying the iPod for jill.. go back also no money to spend.. might as well stay here and go burstwood once in a while.. but i'll be all alone.. prob will have Mr. Browne to accompany me.. see what IX says... *hint hint* unless he rather send him to the pet hotel..
well, i somehow have to come to a decision soon, cos will have to book ticket in advance.. i miss my room...
btw, today's my bro, Ah Di b'dae.. everyone wish him a Happy 23rd Birthday! too bad i cant be ard to celebrate.. ZZzzzz...
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
A note to my housemate
Dear Agnes,
here are some updates from 28 Crossland while you're not around.
1) We've decided to exclude u from our groceries, since u are seldom at home and it seems unfair making u pay and we eating ur share, or sometimes Felix eating ur share, so i've issued u with a "5 meals Free" voucher to make it fair. However, household items are still shared among all of us, so u own me $4.20 for soap and toilet paper etc..
2) We've given up hope on u cleaning the toilet and bath room basin, which u are suppose to 3 weeks ago.. the place is too filthy for us to tahan anymore, so Jill has cleaned the place up fro u already.. (i would have left it there till there's shit all over...) yup, so u had Jill to thank for to clean ur mess.. haha..
Anyway, that all for the moment.. i hope u'll be able to read this, where ever u are.. hope to see u more often in the house.. cheers.
Your Friendly Housemate,
here are some updates from 28 Crossland while you're not around.
1) We've decided to exclude u from our groceries, since u are seldom at home and it seems unfair making u pay and we eating ur share, or sometimes Felix eating ur share, so i've issued u with a "5 meals Free" voucher to make it fair. However, household items are still shared among all of us, so u own me $4.20 for soap and toilet paper etc..
2) We've given up hope on u cleaning the toilet and bath room basin, which u are suppose to 3 weeks ago.. the place is too filthy for us to tahan anymore, so Jill has cleaned the place up fro u already.. (i would have left it there till there's shit all over...) yup, so u had Jill to thank for to clean ur mess.. haha..
Anyway, that all for the moment.. i hope u'll be able to read this, where ever u are.. hope to see u more often in the house.. cheers.
Your Friendly Housemate,
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Things that people say...
all good stuff must come to an end, and it's time to put down graphic designs, and hit the books, prepare for thursday test.. this time, i'm determined to do better. after the previous 2 results, which i just managed to pass, isn't good enough for me.. i need this to pull myself up, no HD, at least a D.. that's what i've set my aims at.. though i noe it's kinda difficult to keep up to that aim.. but i'll try..
Erina is my ANGEL for the day.. it was close to 1.30am when i complained to jill that i'm abit hungry.. moments later, guess wat? My ANGEL came with maccas cheeseburgers! isn't she sweet? though all that was wat left after work, it still tasted especially good! i appreciate that she tot of us even after her long day of work.. you're da best Rina!
then when we're out at the backyard for a smoke, jill suddenly said, "Wonder if it would rain tomorrow?"
i replied, "of cos not, it's been raining the whole day today..."
then it started drizzling again.. raindrops falling on the roof.. haha!
Erina is my ANGEL for the day.. it was close to 1.30am when i complained to jill that i'm abit hungry.. moments later, guess wat? My ANGEL came with maccas cheeseburgers! isn't she sweet? though all that was wat left after work, it still tasted especially good! i appreciate that she tot of us even after her long day of work.. you're da best Rina!
then when we're out at the backyard for a smoke, jill suddenly said, "Wonder if it would rain tomorrow?"
i replied, "of cos not, it's been raining the whole day today..."
then it started drizzling again.. raindrops falling on the roof.. haha!
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