My surprise for my baby
it was meant to be a surprise, but the "shocked" effect wasn't there when she found out that i bought her a iPod mini.. *toot*
i was wondering this morning, "why hasnt the iPod arrived yet?" it has been 8 days since i ordered it.. and it was said to be delivered in 3-5 days.. WORKING DAYS! damn it.. last weekend was a long weekend.. friday's good friday, then the 'normal' weekend, then easter monday.. lazy aussies bums.. anyway, today's the 4th day, and it was delivered in the cold rainy morning! poor delivery man, gonna stand in the cold.. haha..
the reason why i ordered it online was cos the store din have the green one that she likes... plus she was always around me, so i wouldnt have a chance to sneak out and buy one rite? so i gave it some thought, before i finally came to this idea of buying it off the net.. it was meant to be a surprise for her.. i din really had a hard time keeping it a secret, cos i pratically forgotten abt it.. but i had to tell someone abt it, so i told the bushfrog and ah pooi...
actually i was hoping she would recieve the parcel herself, or collect it from the post office if we missed the postman.. anyway, i jus wanted her to get the parcel on her own, and wonder, "who the hell send me this???"
but my plan failed....
apparently, the lazy baby of mine, slept till 1 today, missed the postman, furthermore, din notice the parcel i left on her laptop.. how blind can she be??? this is the 2nd time.. first was the christmas present i left in her closet.. and she missed it when she was changing.. my baby is the 'blind-est'...
anyway, i'm glad that u like the present.. i hope u would find a use for it, go jogging wif me or something.. no excuses for u now... though i noe that asking u to follow me would be quite impossible, i still hope u like the iPod..
remember, i'm happy to see u happy... love ya!